Industry News
American Bus Association Marketplace 2024
The Wyoming Office of Tourism, along with Cody Yellowstone, Visit Cheyenne, Sweetwater County Travel and Tourism, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West and a last-minute substitution to sit in for the Cody Cattle Company held close to 200 appointments with tour operators from across North America at this years ABA, Jan 13-16 in Nashville, TN. The snow and cold made Wyoming feel right at home and leant itself to great conversations about winter options in Wyoming, but also all the unique western destinations and attractions that their groups can experience in Wyoming once the snow melts. While our National Parks continue to be a big draw for motorcoach tours, more and more are looking to expand outside the parks and explore our western culture, history and hidden gems that will make their tours unique and stand out. Wyoming has so many options that the common response is still “Wow, I had no idea Wyoming had all of that.”
One thing that continues to be of note in our meetings with tour operators is just how much they value the western hospitality that Wyoming offers. How our industry partners across the state work so well together to create smooth itineraries that tell such a great story. More than once tour operators expressed how they could tell that Wyoming values their business, and more so in building strong relationships with them.