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June Production Recap

If April showers bring May flowers, what do June showers bring?

June is our big push for productions as it’s usually the perfect time between snow-melt and fire/smoke season before the weather gets too warm. This year has been a bit different with higher than average snowfall in areas of the state and an extended rainy season with cooler temperatures going into July. While this has been great for helping some of the drought stricken areas of the state and in extending the Spring-green vegetation and wildflower growth in areas that would normally already be turning brown by now for the Summer, it’s also meant a soggy production schedule.

June 1st kicked off our first week-long production of the season, Wildly Wyoming, a partnership with Ford Bronco Wild Fund and Outside to create a five-episode series that will showcase three pairs of Team Bronco Ambassadors setting out on adventure-packed paths across Wyoming. While there wasn’t a single day without rain, the rolling storms created the opportunities for some truly dramatic and awe-inspiring adventures and imagery highlighting the vastness of the state.

June 16th marked the start of our second big production, the continuation of our Modern Explorers campaign with two new explorers to be featured for next year. We also took the opportunity to create some imagery highlighting some family-oriented adventures and activities. Again, the daily storms, even some fresh snow on the mountaintops, helped showcase the wild beauty of Wyoming. Despite the challenges, we’re really looking forward to seeing the final results and sharing those efforts with you; later this month for Wildly Wyoming, and early 2024 for the Modern Explorers. With the combination of travel in both these productions we were able to cover several counties, including Sheridan, Johnson, Washakie, Hot Spring, Fremont, Lincoln, Sweetwater, Carbon, Natrona, Teton and Park) to show the vast variety that is Wyoming. Still, efforts will continue throughout the summer to cover additional events and locations across the state!

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